Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2019


Dear Alex,

[AM]: A week ago I've found one property of 184-point in Clark List.
That point generates three equil triangles, similar to the base triangle ...

Fred Lang, Hyacinthos message 1191, has found another interesting property
of X(184) that leads to a very easy construction of this point:

Given a reference triangle ABC, let the perpendicular bisectors of BC, CA,
AC intersect the other pairs of sides at B1, C1; C2, A2; A3, B3
repsectively. The perpendicular bisectors of the segments B1C1, C2A2 and
A34B3 bound a triangle homothetic to ABC at X(184).

Having constructed this point, it is now not difficult to construct three
congruent triangles similar to the reference triangle ABC.

I wonder if the similarity ratio ZBaCa/ABC has a simple expression.

Best regard
Paul Yiu

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