Τετάρτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2019

ADGEOM 2497 - ADGEOM 2509



[Paris Pamfilos]:

Dear friends,

what is the biggest rectangle circumscribing a triangle ?



By "circumscribing" you mean each side of the rectangle contains at least a vertex of the triangle, right?
(otherwise, the rectangle can be arbitrarily large)

Assuming this, the triangle and rectangle share a vertex A. Let ADEF be the rectangle. Then B, C must be on DE, EF, respectivley. Let x be the angle BAD. Then ADEF has area bc*cos(x)*sin(x+A), which achieves maximum (1/2)bc(1+sinA) at x=pi/4-A/2. Hence the answer is (1/2)bc+(area of ABC) if b,c are the two longest sides of the triangle.

Is this correct?

Kind regards,




Dear Li,

you are right, this is correct. Thank you.
Best regards
Paris Pamfilos




Dear Paris,

Thanks. Note that this rectangle can be constructed by ruler and compass.
Also, if we interpret "maximal" as for perimeter, then the maximal perimeter is 2sqrt{b^2+c^2+4(area of ABC)}, where b,c are the longest sides, achieved at x=arctan(bcosA/(c+bsinA)), also constructible by ruler and compass.

Best regards,




Dear Paris, Li and all friends:


Let me surf this wave and add some algebraic results.


Let`s rename {ra}=A-Ab-Aa-Ac the A-rectangle with maximum area and build {rb}=B-Bc-Bb-Ba, {rc}=C-Ca-Cc-Cb cyclically.


We need make clear that {ra}, {rb}, {rc} are not necessarily with same area. "{ra} is the rectangle with maximum area having a vertex on A and non-adjacent sides  to A (or produced) containing B and C, respectively". So, if B or C are outside the segment-sides of {ra}, rectangle may not exactly circumscribe the triangle: it just satisfies the quoted properties .  Similarly {rb} and {rc}.  


Trilinear coordinates of vertices of {ra}=A-Ab-Aa-Ac are:

Aa = -(S^2+SB*SC)/a : c*S+b*SB : b*S+c*SC

Ab =   (c*SC-b*S)/a : S+b*c : -SA

Ac =   (b*SB-c*S)/a : -SA   : S+b*c


Let A'B'C' be the triangle bounded by lines (Ab-Ac), (Bc-Ba), (Ca-Cb).  

A'B'C' and ABC are perspective at:

  Z' = SA/(S*a^2+SW*b*c) : :    (trilinears)

      =  (5.433748995839291, 3.87270111163872, -1.548320439614409)


A'B'C' is also perspective to these triangles:



Let A"B"C" be the triangle bounded by lines (Bc-Cb), (Ca-Ac), (Ab-Ba). 

A"B"C" and ABC are perspective at:

  Z" =  1/(a*((SA-S)*s+S*a)) : :

       = On {Feuerbach hyperbola} and line (8,637) (they intersect at X(8) and Z")

       = (152.850459312073800, 180.66525185037790, -191.981644943157400)


ABC and A"B"C" are orthologic with centers Q=X(1)=Incenter and

  Q" = (((b+c)*a^3+(b-c)^2*(a^2-2*(b+c)*s))*s-S*(2*a^3-(b+c)*(a^2+(b-c)^2)))/a : :  (trilinears)

        =  (3,142)/\ (482,1565)

        = ( -0.933631641210944, -1.41645962554592, 5.052197287844295 )


A"B"C" is also orthologic to next triangles:



Best regards

César Lozada




Hi César,

Unless I am missing something, when I construct Aa, Ab, Ac from your trilinears, I do not get a rectangle.  Should these have been barycentrics?

Best regards,
Randy Hutson



Hi, Randy:


You are right. I copied and pasted incorrectly and a minus is missing in front of  first coordinates of Ab and Ac.


Trilinear coordinates of vertices of {ra}=A-Ab-Aa-Ac are:

Aa = -(S^2+SB*SC)/a : c*S+b*SB : b*S+c*SC

Ab = -(c*SC-b*S)/a : S+b*c : -SA

Ac = -(b*SB-c*S)/a : -SA   : S+b*c

Could you please check it again? Thank you in advance


Note: Given perspectors and orthologic centers were checked again. They seem to be ok.


Best regards

César Lozada

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