Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2019


  • Dear Antreas, you wrote:

    > I uploaded the file 184.doc that Alex sent me.
    > I don't know what it contains, since I don't read MS-Word
    > format files.
    > May someone read it and post a brief description?

    I difficultly understood (I think) what Alex with his figure
    in the uploaded file declares.
    In a slightly modified figure and in my own words Alex's
    problem is the following:
    In a triangle ABC find the point P with the following
    property: If a, b, c are the sides and k a positive number
    then there are points
    Ab, Ac on BC (Ab closer to B)
    Bc, Ba on CA
    Ca, Cb on AB such that
    PAb = PAc = BaCa = ka
    PBc = PBa = CbAb = kb
    PCa = PCb = AcBc = kc
    i.e. the triangles PAbAc, PBcBa, PCaCb are isosceles
    and the triangles PBaCa, PCbAb, PAcBc are
    congruent between them and antisimilar to ABC.

    Very good problem Alex if it is as I understood
    and sorry if I misunderstood.

    One solution is: If p, q, r are the angles of the isosceles
    triangles in P then it is easy to prove that
    p = 180 - 4A, q = 180 - 4B, r = 180 - 4C
    and the actual normal x of P is
    x = kacos(90 - 2A) = 2kasinAcosA and hence the
    normals of P are [aacosA : bbcosB : cccosC]
    and this point is X184.

    But if the triangle is not acute-angled perhaps it
    doesn't work?

    Best regards
    Nikos Dergiades

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