Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2019


  • Dear Paul,

    > [AM]: A week ago I've found one property of 184-point in Clark List.
    > That point generates three equil triangles, similar to the base
    triangle ...

    >One solution is: If p, q, r are the angles of the isosceles
    >triangles in P then it is easy to prove that
    >p = 180 - 4A, q = 180 - 4B, r = 180 - 4C

    Correction --> p = 4A - 180, q = 4B - 180, r = 4C - 180

    > Fred Lang, Hyacinthos message 1191, has found another interesting
    > of X(184) that leads to a very easy construction of this point:
    > Given a reference triangle ABC, let the perpendicular bisectors of
    BC, CA,
    > AC intersect the other pairs of sides at B1, C1; C2, A2; A3, B3
    > repsectively. The perpendicular bisectors of the segments B1C1,
    C2A2 and
    > A34B3 bound a triangle homothetic to ABC at X(184).
    > Having constructed this point, it is now not difficult to construct
    > congruent triangles similar to the reference triangle ABC.
    > I wonder if the similarity ratio ZBaCa/ABC has a simple expression.

    The similarity ratio is
    k = S/(aasin(2A) + bbsin(2B) + ccsin(2C))
    = 1/(3 - ss) >= 1/3 where s = OH/R

    Other properties of X184 are
    X184 = X63 of the orthic triangle
    X184 = X226 of the tangential triangle
    and X184 is the homothety center of the orthic triangle
    and the medial triangle of the tangential triangle.

    Best regards
    Nikos Dergiades

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