Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2019


  • On Wed, 2 Jan 2002, Milorad Stevanovic wrote:

    > Paul wrote :
    > > [The] inversive image of the nine-point circle in the
    > >radical circle of the excircles [has] radius (r^2+s^2)/(4r).
    > > [The] center[,] X(970)[,] lies on the Brocard axis.
    > > Is there a simple explanation of this fact?


    > [...] Thus your circle is a Tucker circle and he is centered on OK.
    > In fact, as the radical center of the excircles is the Spieker point
    > S, the center of your circle is the common point of OK and SN
    > (N=NPcenter), which is, as you've noticed X(970).

    I suspect there must also be some connection with "the Conway circle"
    (center Io), since the radius of that is root(rr+ss). There's probably
    a vast generalization that describes all the Tucker circles in some
    such way (which maybe Jean-Pierre is quoting).

    John Conway

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