Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2019


  • Dear Antreas, Clark and other Hyacinthists

    > [APH]:
    > >> So, we have the Theorem:
    > >>
    > >> Let AA', BB', CC' be the three altitudes of ABC, and
    > >> Let Ab, Ac be the orth. proj. of A' on AB, AC resp.
    > >> Bc, Ba " B' BC, BA
    > >> Ca, Cb " C' CA, CB
    > >>
    > >> Then the Euler lines of A'B'C', A'AbAc, B'BcBa, C'CaCb are
    > >> concurrent.
    > >>
    > >> Which is the point of concurrence [a point lying on the Euler
    > >> line of the orthic triangle A'B'C' of ABC]? Is it in ETC?
    > [JPE]:
    > > X-442 of the orthic triangle (not in ETC, I think)
    > [APH]:
    > >> And another conjecture:
    > >> The Euler lines of the triangles AAbAc, BBcBa, CCaCb are
    > [JPE]:
    > >Very good. Yes, they are, but not on the Euler line of A'B'C'. I
    > >cannot recognize the common point.
    > >
    > >The locus of P for which The Euler lines of the triangles AAbAc,
    > >BBcBa, CCaCb are concurrent is again a quartic.
    > I think that these two groups of triangles are very interesting!
    > Let's name them temporarily (or not!) as:
    > Triangles A'AbAc, B'BcBa, C'CaCb = Orthiac Triangles
    > Triangles AAbAc, BBcBa, CCaCb = Synorthiac Triangles
    > Here are some other conjectures on these triangles:
    > 1. The A'-median, B'-median, C'-median of the Orthiacs are
    > (ie the median from A' of the triangle A'AbAc, etc)
    > 2. The A'-altitude, B'-altitude, C'-altitude of the Orthiacs are
    > concurrent. (ie the altitude from A' of the triangle A'AbAc, etc)
    > [on the circumcircle of ABC?]
    > 3. The A-median, B-median, C-median of the Synorthiacs are
    > (ie the median from A of the triangle AAbAc, etc)
    > 4. The A-altitude, B-altitude, C-altitude of the Synorthiacs are
    > concurrent. (ie the altitude from A of the triangle AAbAc, etc)
    > (IIRC, we have discussed the problems of the loci of P such that
    > the G's/H's of the synorthiacs form triangles
    > in perspective with ABC. The loci, IIRC, are sextics)

    Very nice!!
    Everything is right. The common points are :
    The orthocenter of the orthic triangle for 1)
    X-185 for 2)
    K for 3) and O for 4)

    > ______________________________________________________
    > A PS for Clark Kimberling:
    > Dear Clark,
    > If the above two points of concurrence of the Euler lines
    > of the Orthiacs (ie X442 of Orthic) and Synortiacs are not already
    > in your list, then you may of course include them, but with these
    > 1st Ehrmann Point - 2nd Ehrmann Point.

    I'm not sure that those points are very interesting but I prefer the
    names of X-something or Taylor points or Catalan points - in France,
    the Taylor hexagon is usually named Catalan hexagon - or APH-points.
    In any case, thank you very much, Antreas. It's very kind of you.
    More over, the first one is X-442 of the orthic triangle when the
    triangle is acutangle, which is not the case of Clark's (6,9,13)-
    Friendly.Jean-Pierre Ehrmann

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