Δευτέρα 13 Ιουνίου 2022



Let ABC be a triangle.


Na, Nb, Nc = the NPC centers of IBC, ICA, IAB, resp.

Aa, Ab, Ac = the orthogonal projections of Na on IA, IB, IC, resp.

Ba, Bb, Bc = the orthogonal projections of Nb on IA, IB, IC, resp.

Ca, Cb, Cc = the orthogonal projections of Nc on IA,IB, IC, resp.

The Euler lines of AaAbAc, BaBbBc, CaCbCc are concurrent.

[Angel Montesdeoca]:

The Euler lines of AaAbAc, BaBbBc, CaCbCc are concurrent. at
X(1125)= the centroid of {A,B,C,X(1)} (Darij Grinberg, 12/28/02)


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