Δευτέρα 13 Ιουνίου 2022



Let ABC be a triangle.


Na, Nb, Nc = the NPC centers of IBC, ICA, IAB, resp.

Aa, Ab, Ac = the orthogonal projections of Na on IA, IB, IC, resp.

Ba, Bb, Bc = the orthogonal projections of Nb on IA, IB, IC, resp.

Ca, Cb, Cc = the orthogonal projections of Nc on IA,IB, IC, resp.

The Euler lines of AaAbAc, BaBbBc, CaCbCc are concurrent.

[Angel Montesdeoca]:

The Euler lines of AaAbAc, BaBbBc, CaCbCc are concurrent. at
X(1125)= the centroid of {A,B,C,X(1)} (Darij Grinberg, 12/28/02)


Τετάρτη 11 Μαΐου 2022


[Tran Quang Hung]:


Let ABC be a triangle and A'B'C' the pedal triangle of H.


Na, Nb, Nc = the NPC centers of AB'C',BC'A',CA'B', resp.

The triangles A'B'C', NaNbNc are cyclologic.

The cyclologic center (A'B'C', NaNbNc) is the orthopole of the Euler line.

Which is the cyclologic center of (NaNbNc, A'B'C') ?


[César Lozada]:


Cyclologic centers: X(125) and

Za = (2*cos(2*A)*cos(B-C)-cos(3*A)) *((cos(2*A)+cos(4*A)+1)*cos(B- C)+(-cos(A)-cos(3*A))*cos(2*( B-C))-cos(A))*sec(A) : : (trilinears)

= On lines: (4,7730), (25,8157), (571,2079), (933,3518)

= [ -2.233472799679084, -6.17738928122346, 8.948152199529426 ]


César Lozada

Τρίτη 29 Μαρτίου 2022


Floor en Lyanne van Lamoen wrote:

> Dear Darij and Jean-Pierre,
> > > [DG]:
> > > > > Prof. Clark Kimberling has updated ETC, as we have seen. But
> > there
> > > > > are still some points whose trilinears we don't know -
> > especially
> > > > I
> > > > > with my knowledge on trilinears which doesn't go further than
> > line
> > > > > equations. I am interested in the trilinears of the Schröder
> > > > point.
> > >
> > > [JPE]:
> > > > Your point is trilinear x = (b-c)^2 + a(b+c-2a)
> > > > Friendli. Jean-Pierre
> >
> > [FVL]
> > > It seems that there are more points P satisfying the
> > > condition that if A'B'C' is the pedal triangle of P, then the
> > > circumcircles of AA'P, BB'P and CC'P meet in a second point. The
> > > circumcenter seems to be one of these points. Perhaps the locus is
> > the
> > > Stammler hyperbola? I am now running out of time, later I will
> > invest
> > > more time.
> [JPE]:
> > This locus is the Darboux cubic. Friendly. Jean-Pierre

Now we may try to find some second intersections for given P:

We look for second points of intersection of the three circles (AA'P),
(BB'P), (CC'P) in barycentrics:

P=I gives a(2a^2-ab-ac-(b-c)^2):: see above.

P=O gives a^2(2a^2-b^2-c^2):: = X(187) = inverse of K in circumcircle.

P=L=X20 gives (-2a^2+b^2+c^2)/(-a^2+b^2+c^2):: .
Is this one in ETC?

P=X40=reflection of I through O gives a*(-2a+b+c)/(-a+b+c):: .
Is this one in ETC?

I don't think that P=H gives a well defined point (that is why I first
rejected the locus to be Darboux...).

Kind regards,
Floor van Lamoen


Dear Darij and Jean-Pierre,


> > Prof. Clark Kimberling has updated ETC, as we have seen. But there
> > are still some points whose trilinears we don't know - especially
> I
> > with my knowledge on trilinears which doesn't go further than line
> > equations. I am interested in the trilinears of the Schröder
> point.


> Your point is trilinear x = (b-c)^2 + a(b+c-2a)
> Friendli. Jean-Pierre

It seems that there are more points P satisfying the
condition that if A'B'C' is the pedal triangle of P, then the
circumcircles of AA'P, BB'P and CC'P meet in a second point. The
circumcenter seems to be one of these points. Perhaps the locus is the
Stammler hyperbola? I am now running out of time, later I will invest
more time.

Kind regards,
Floor van Lamoen

Σάββατο 30 Οκτωβρίου 2021


Let ABC be a triangle.


Ab, Ac = the orthogonal projections of A on NB, NC, resp.

(Oab), (Oac) = the circles with diameters AAb,AAc, resp.

Similarly (Obc), (Oba) and (Oca), (Ocb)

R1 = the radical axis of (Oab), (Oac)
R2 = the radical axis of (Obc), (Oba)
R3 = the radical axis of (Oca), (Ocb)

The reflections of R1, R2, R3 in BC, CA, AB, resp. are concurrent.

[Angel Montesdeoca]:

The reflections of R1, R2, R3 in BC, CA, AB, resp. are concurrent. at

X(195) = X(5)-CEVA CONJUGATE OF X(3)

Πέμπτη 22 Ιουλίου 2021


Let La, Lb, Lc be the reflections of L in BC,CA,AB, resp. (concurrent
on the circumcircle).

Let Ab, Ac be the orth. projections of A' on Lb,Lc, resp. Similarly
Bc,Ba and Ca,Cb.

The circumcircles of A'AbAc, B'BcBa, C'CaCb are coaxial and their NPC
centers are
collinear. Which is this line ? Special case: L = Euler line.

Παλαιότερες αναρτήσεις Αρχική σελίδα